Grand Opening
We will be having a very special Grand Opening that you will not want to miss! The day we open our doors we want you to come and bring your pet to tour our facility, ask questions and be entered in a drawing for a big giveaway. Keep checking our site for details as the day draws nearer. We cant wait to meet our new customers and their sweet 4-legged family members!
Fascinating information about dogs.
Did you know that :
Roughly 21% of all dogs snore in there sleep.
A dogs nose-print is so unique, like our finger-print, it can identify a specific dog.
Dogs can sense the earth's magnetic field, they align themselves specifically with the north-south axis to poop and it's why they are so good at finding their way home.
​Dogs and humans release the same "love hormone". It explains why we develop such strong bonds with our canine friends.
Wagging the tail doesn’t always mean “happy.” For example, dogs will wag their tails to the right when happy, to the left when scared and wag it low when insecure.
​Dogs Can Understand Human Emotions:
Studies show that dogs can pick up on human emotions by reading our facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. They can differentiate between happy, sad, or angry emotions and often respond accordingly—like cuddling when you’re upset or playing when you’re happy.
A Cat’s Purring Has Healing Properties:
Cats purr at a frequency of around 25 to 150 Hertz, which has been shown to have therapeutic effects on humans and other animals. Studies suggest that purring can help with healing bone fractures, reducing stress, and lowering blood pressure.
Cats Can Run at Incredible Speeds:
While not as fast as some dog breeds, domestic cats can sprint up to 30 miles per hour in short bursts. This speed is typically used when they’re chasing prey or avoiding danger.
Cats Sleep 70-80% of Their Lives:
Domestic cats sleep on average 13-16 hours a day, which makes them one of the sleepiest creatures on Earth. This sleep helps them conserve energy for hunting, even if they're just relaxing at home.
Dogs were domesticated around 20,000 to 40,000 years ago, evolving from wolves, while cats were domesticated about 9,000 years ago in the Near East, evolving from wildcats.